· How arts & culture work for our planet
· How arts & culture work for our planet
Welcome to my blog!
In this blog, I feature all topics that drive me personally which are arts & culture, ecological sustainability and conscious living based on a new human-nature relationship and strong, life-supporting values.
Ein Modellprojekt für das Musiktheater der Zukunft
Kann klimaneutrale Kunst auch richtig gute Kunst sein? Diese Frage geht die Neuköllner Oper Berlin, zusammen mit 24 weiteren Institutionen in Deutschland, auf die Spur. Was das konkret bedeutet, lest ihr hier.
YES for A Manifest
The manifest is a written statement and offers ten basic rules of collaboration. A collaboration that aims for a conscious interaction with each other as well as a conscious handling of our natural resources. A WIN-WIN!It talks about values, experiments, mistakes, feedback, time...and the mindset, of course. The manifest serves as a kind reminder in our busy day-to-day lives.
Kein Theatertreffen ist auch nicht Nachhaltig
Wie ist das, wenn das größte deutschsprachige Theaterfestival Europas - das Theatertreffen Berlin - eine Klimabilanz erstellt? Erfahrt hier mehr darüber, was sie beinhaltet und was nicht...und über die Tücken einer guten Vorbereitung.
Big, Bigger, Museums: Their Race to Reduce Energy Consumption
Museums consume an immense amount of energy. Since over a decade, museum experts claim for a change - out of ecological reasons. Unheard for a long time, the current energy crisis is speeding up the transition to new rules.
The Beauty of Coming Together
What happens when you are in a room with likeminded people? People you might hardly know but who have the same drive and purpose as you? The climate conference “endlich” in Augsburg was – on many levels - a true blessing for me. It was very socially sustainable! Here are my thoughts to content, play and connection.
German Theatres on a Run for more Sustainability
47 German theatres and theatre festivals don't just come together, they run together - from theatre to theatre, from north to south. Why? They demand more sustainability and climate protection in the performing arts sector! At total of 30 stops, they present different creative activities. Don't miss out on this very special project initiated by Performing for Future.
An Interview with Tino Sehgal
Tino Sehgal is internationally known for his art that works with the human body only and without any material. But he is also known for his conviction regarding a sustainable business practice and his no-fly policy. In our conversation, he shared with me his intriguing thoughts about art and sustainability, where they come together and where they simply don’t. Spoiler alarm: Action speak louder than words!
German Theatres in Action: One year Recap
In March 2021 German theatre professionals launched a declaration that expressed solidarity with the Fridays for Future protests and claims. One year later I wonder: How has the theatre sector in Germany developed since then? Here's an overview.
Declaration of Solidarity for Polish Theatre
The world experiences political repression at its best these days. Unfortunately, this is also quite common within a country where opponents to the government and the "national interest" are condemned. The most recent case takes place in Kraków Poland at the The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre.
COP26: Keep 1.5 C alive... with Culture?!
The climate crisis keeps the world in check. Scientists warn, Fridays For Future strike, the world leaders meet and debate - recently at the COP26 summit in Glasgow, Scotland. Can we keep the 1.5 C promise of Paris alive? It's time to integrate a very important ally, namely the creative community into the planning. Why? Read about it here.
Bundestagswahl 2021 = Klimawahl?!
In Anbetracht der Bundestagswahl 2021 mache ich mit diesem Artikel gleich drei ungewöhnliche Dinge, die mir aber notwendig erscheinen. Denn eines ist für mich klar: "Nur" wählen reicht für mich dieses Jahr nicht aus. Hier meine Gedanken (und Sorgen).