German Theatres on a Run for more Sustainability
Today kicks off the nationwide theatre project with the German title "Auf die Plätze! Endlich! Los! – Theater-Staffellauf fürs Klima”. It is a relay run (“Staffellauf”) from theatre to theatre, from north to south in 18 days throughout the country. It is a symbol of and a demand for more sustainability and climate protection in the theatre sector – a need and engagement which has been growing exponentially in Germany.
The "Staffellauf" project
The runners
49 German theatres and theatre festivals, together with independent ensembles and theatre professionals from all over the country take part in this project. Among the participants are the Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen, theTheatertreffen Berlin, the Theater Dortmund and Schauspielhaus Bochum, the Pina Bausch Zentrum and the K4 Theater für Menschlichkeitin Wuppertal, the Theater Bonn and the Staatstheater Karlsruhe, the Staatsschauspiel Dresdentogether with the Theater der Jungen Generation in Dresden as well as the Bayrische Theatertage in Bamberg and the Stadttheater Ingolstadt (find the full list of runners at the end of this article).
The routes
On two routes they will pass by atotal of 30 stops. Each stop will present a variety of creative activities such as plays on the climate crisis, poetry slams and concerts. But also panel discussions, artist interviews and other activities in public spaces can be expected. In the name of raising awareness to climate protection, they invite the public to take part in discussing and developing utopias for a sustainable future.
#1 Route West: Recklinghausen, Dortmund, Schwerte, Bochum, Essen, Wuppertal, Mühlheim, Düsseldorf, Bonn, Gießen, Frankfurt, Saarbrücken, Karlsruhe, Stuttgart/Esslingen, Ulm to Augsburg.
#2 Route East: Kiel, Hamburg, Bremen, Berlin, Potsdam, Halle, Leipzig, Dresden, Gera, Jena, Eisenach, Bamberg, Erlangen, Nürnberg, Ingolstadt to Augsburg.
The kick-off
The town Recklinghausen will kick-off the relay run today with a cultural fair and festival which is also the kick-off of the theatre festival Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen. All day long, there will be a diverse cultural programme on the outdoor stages framed by food and drinks. On a panel discussion, artistic director Olaf Kröck and Michael Lippold will talk about our shared responsibility, challenges, attitude and hope in the face of climate crisis.
In the afternoon, the Faber Theatre from Italy invites the audience to a participative performance throughout town. Six actors present moving scenes from the life of the great Italian cyclist Fausto Coppi. And the audience? It will cycle along.
The Faber Theatre: The champion and the mosquito © Maurizio Anderlini
The finish line
On the 19th of May, both routes will reach the finish line at the start of the climate festival "endlich.” in Augsburg, Bavaria. The festival at the Staatstheater Augsburg brings together all possible professionals from state funded institutions, the independent scene as well as from cultural policy and science. What they talk about? You guessed it: The necessary transformation of the performing arts sector in Germany towards more sustainability.
The initiators
This project is initiated byPerforming for Future - Network for Sustainability in the Performing Arts.The network is an association of various professionals in the performing arts sector from all over Germany. Since autumn 2021, they have been implementing various projects on a voluntary basis. Besides the relay run, these are a sustainability wiki(pedia) for theatres and a manifesto for an ecological-social transformation in the performing arts (the so-called ManifÖST) amongst the organization of networking and training events (soon to come).
The network meets regularly in order to exchange knowledge and to promote a sustainable transformation in the sector. Thereby, it really wants to get to the heart of the matter: to change operational processes systematically.
For more information visit the initiative’s Social Media accounts on Instagram and Facebook.
Preparing the run in one of the many Zoom calls
Complete list of runners
The following institutions and theatre festivals in Germany take part at this project:
Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen
Theater Osnabrück
Theater Dortmund
STUDIO 7 Theater, Schwerte
Schauspielhaus Bochum
PACT Zollverein, Essen
Musiktheater im Revier, Gelsenkirchen
k4 Theater für Menschlichkeit, Wuppertal
Pina Bausch Zentrum, Wuppertal
K4 Theater für Menschlichkeit, Wuppertal
Theater an der Ruhr, Mühlheim an der Ruhr
Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf
Theater Bonn
Beethoven Orchester, Bonn
Theater im Ballsaal, Bonn
Stadttheater Gießen
Theaterhaus Frankfurt
Theaterschiff Maria Helena, Saarbrücken
Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe
Staatstheater Stuttgart
LIMA Theater, Esslingen
Theater Ulm
Junges Theater im Werftpark Kiel
Initiative Stimme X, Zeitgenössisches Musiktheater, Hamburg
Theater Bremen
Bremer Shakespeare Company
Uckermärkische Bühnen Schwedt
Theatertreffen Berlin
Galli Theater, Berlin
Heimathafen Neukölln, Berlin
Hans Otto Theater, Potsdam
WUK Theater Quartier, Halle
Theater der Jungen Welt, Leipzig
Staatsschauspiel Dresden
Staatsoperette Dresden
Theater der Jungen Generation, Dresden
Landesbühnen Sachsen, Radebeul
Bund der Szenografen e.V.
Theater Altenburg Gera
Theaterhaus Jena
Freie Bühnen Jena e.V.
Landestheater Eisenach
Theater Bamberg
Theater Erlangen
Staatstheater Nürnberg
Theater Salz und Pfeffer, Nürnberg
Stadttheater Ingolstadt
Altstadttheater Ingolstadt
PATHOS München
Staatstheater Augsburg