· How arts & culture work for our planet
· How arts & culture work for our planet
Welcome to my blog!
In this blog, I feature all topics that drive me personally which are arts & culture, ecological sustainability and conscious living based on a new human-nature relationship and strong, life-supporting values.
There is not even a Nebenrolle on a Dead Planet: We stand with Fridays for Future
Today we enter global climate strike #7 of the Fridays for Future movement. A dedicated group of theatre professionals from all over Germany have taken today’s strike as an opportunity to express their support and commitment in a declaration.
Anerkennung der Proteste für mehr Klima- und Umweltschutz
Erklärung der Theaterschaffenden im Rahmen des globalen Klimastreiks am 19. März 2021. Sie wollen sich mit ihrer Innovationskraft und Phantasie an dieser gesamtgesellschaftlichen Aufgabe beteiligen.